Business & Marketing Consulting

Project Description
Dogged Savvy was hired by Ya’axché Conservation Trust to help start a for-profit entity providing tours and education in southern Belize. We provided financial analysis, a staffing plan, training and business planning for Eco-Tourism Belize.
Although it was outside our scope of work we also put together a draft website for Eco Tourism Belize that is still in use today.
Project Details
Client Ya’axché Conservation Trus
Date Fall 2016
Skills Financial Analysis, Staffing Plan, Branding, Web Design, Business Plan creation.

View Site
This site was meant as an example for EcoTourismBelize’s web designer to follow in functionality but refine in design. In the end Ya’aché Conservation Trust opted to use this site as it was presented by Dogged Savvy.
Dogged Savvy is a professional consultancy and web development agency with offices in Belize and the United States.